Typically, a compressed disc will cause pain numbness and even weakness in the back. You may have sporadic or periodic pain that is hard for your regular physician to diagnose. In a lot, of cases, you may experience pain but when you go to see the doctor, you have no pain that day. You may end up leaving feeling like it was a one-off thing that can be ignored. However, compressed discs can lead to further health issues if left untreated. As such, you should consult with a chiropractor in B as soon as possible if you notice one or more of the following signs.
1. Central Lower Back Pain
You may have central lower back pain that doesn’t go away after stretching or changing positions. This may happen at work after sitting for a long time at your desk. Many people regularly experience back pain after sleeping in the same position for long periods of time. It may feel like normal to have pain in the upper shoulder and side of the back if you run or do workouts, However, if you have a compressed disc, you will typically have pain that located centrally in your lower back.
2. Sciatica
Actually, the number one cause of sciatica is a compressed disc. If you have sciatica, it’s highly likely you have a compressed disc. Sciatica is recognizable as a painful sensation or feeling of shooting or tingling of the nerves in your back. This pain then radiates or shoots out to other parts of the body. Sciatica can also cause complete temporary numbness in parts of your body such as the legs or arms. This is typically caused by a compressed disc and should be looked at by a chiropractor.
3. Pain when Sitting
A telltale sign of a compressed disc is when patients report that its painful to sit. Often, the pain is at the base of the spine, just above the buttocks. The pain is frequently described as unbearable. This is a common complaint and usually indicates a compressed disc.
If you have one of the symptoms mentioned above, you should make an appointment with a chiropractor as soon as possible. Your chiropractor in Boca Raton can offer you ways to alleviate the pain of a compressed disc as well as suggest permanent solutions.