One way to avoid auto accident injuries is to avoid the accident in the first place. Always be alert when driving and not use your cell phone to call or text friends and family. Be aware of the other drivers around you. It is usually a good idea to assume that another driver will do something unpleasant, such as try to run a red light or turn without signaling, so that you can attempt to predict this behavior and avoid hitting the car.
Keep your car in good working order to avoid an accident due to bad brakes or another mechanical malfunction. Bring your car in for regular inspections and change the oil regularly.
Protect yourself and those in the car with you from injury by buckling up. Children should be in the backseat of the car in car seats appropriate for their age. Never hold a child or baby on your lap or let a passenger hold a child in her lap while driving.
Pain Management for Injuries
In the event of an injury, our Boca Raton chiropractor provides drug-free, non-invasive treatment. He can also recommend a personal injury attorney, if you decide to pursue legal action following an accident. Patients suffering from an injury such as whiplash benefit from adjustments of the upper spine. Massage therapy and physical therapy are also pain management solutions for whiplash injuries. Our chiropractor offers disk treatments such as spinal adjustments, which reduce pressure on the nerves in the spine and allow the patient to heal.
Have you been injured in an accident? Did chiropractic care help you?
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