Treating Shoulder Pain and Frozen Shoulder
The shoulder is one of the most mobile joints in the human body and can be prone to injury because of it. Various types of shoulder injuries are possible, and some of them can lead to frozen shoulder if they are not treated in a timely manner. Our chiropractor for shoulder pain Boca Raton can help you evaluate and treat your shoulder injury.
Why and How Shoulders Get Injured
Like the rest of the joints in the body, the shoulder is held together with ligaments, muscles, and tendons. However, in order to be such a mobile joint, it must be rather shallow. This means that there is additional stress on the tissues that are responsible for holding everything together. When strained, these tissues can become inflamed and painful.
Shoulder injuries come from a wide variety of causes, ranging from posture problems to sports accidents. Minor inflammation of the joint is painful but tends to subside quickly. If a shoulder injury is painful for more than a few days, it is best to seek help from a doctor in order to prevent conditions like frozen shoulder.
Frozen shoulder is the result of an injury that has not been treated causing adhesions between the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. These adhesions form when the shoulder is not used for a period of time because it is too painful. Once formed, the adhesions cause the shoulder joint to freeze in place. The best prevention for frozen shoulder is to get the injury evaluated and treated before it progresses to this stage. Once the joint is frozen, effective treatment is certainly possible, but it may take longer.
How a Chiropractor for Shoulder Pain Boca Raton Can Relieve Your Pain
There is a delicate balance between using your shoulder enough to prevent frozen shoulder and protecting it from further damage. In cases where the problem is something like posture, that must also be corrected before the shoulder can be expected to get better and stay better. A chiropractor for shoulder pain Boca Raton can help you formulate a treatment plan that minimizes pain and helps you heal as quickly as you can.
Shadowood Chiropractic Center in Boca Raton, FL, is a full-service chiropractic center that has been helping people since 1985. Our patients have included professional and Olympic athletes, and we can get you on the road to recovery from a shoulder injury. Call us at 561-488-4000 to make an appointment.
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