By restoring proper alignment to the musculoskeletal system, chiropractic care supports whole-body health. Our treatments are effective for a number of pain conditions, including chronic back pain, neck pain, and sciatica pain. If a herniated disc in the lower back compresses the sciatic nerve, patients will experience chronic pain. A herniated or slipped disc in other parts of the spine can also trigger pain. Recurring headaches, for example, may be due to a misalignment of the cervical spine that places pressure on the rectus capitis posterior minor (RCPM) muscle. If this pressure causes the RCPM can spasm, headaches will occur.
By treating the addressed cause of pain, chiropractic adjustments provide natural back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain relief, while also supporting internal healing. In addition to chiropractic care, our chiropractor may recommend other holistic care treatments, such as physiotherapy or massage therapy. Our goal is to support the natural healing process through holistic care.
Regular adjustments are also important for chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia. While chiropractic care cannot “cure” fibromyalgia, maintaining proper spinal alignment can help alleviate many of the chronic pain symptoms. We also recommend physiotherapy to help bring a full range of movement and flexibility back to the body. These exercises support the body’s natural movements while reducing the risk of future injury. Being active helps the body stay in optimal physical condition, despite the challenges associated with fibromyalgia.
Our chiropractor, Dr. Allan DellaBella, has helped professional athletes, U.S. Olympic team members, and individuals in our local community manage pain for over three decades. He can help you, too. Contact Dr. DellaBella today to learn more!